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ReBuild Ukraine
13-14 November 2024 I Warsaw, Poland
REBUILD UKRAINE – International offline platform to attract external funding for rebuilding of Ukraine.
Among participating parts there were: Ukrainian and state authorities, international financial organisations, donors and investors, representatives of construction industry
Recovery Forum Ukraine
11 April 2024 I Kyiv, Ukraine
Local communities presented their projects for further recovery and their investment potential.
A number of discussion panels with representatives of state authorities, construction business community, international financial organisations and potential investors were held.
How to get to the shelter?
Your safety is important to us, so in case of air raid alert, please go to the shelter!
1. Head to exit 1A or 1C2. Go down the stairs to the bottom3. Proceed as directed4. You are safe! You can continue networking.
* The shelter has drinking water, access to charging stations and WC.
Take care of yourself!